Frábært kayakvesti sérhugsað fyrir lengri ferðir en frábært aðhliða vesti.
Stærðir eru eftri brjóstmáli. - Sjá stærðartöflu
Ideal for kayak touring, the Salus Ungava is a unisex-style vest with all of our trademark features: soft foam, rounded edges and contour fit. Additional features, including hand-warmer pockets, the ability to attach a quick-release belt, zippered security pocket, mesh drop-down pocket for quick access, 5 lash points and added reflective trim, make the Ungava a welcome companion on any open water adventure.
- Gently rounded edges for enhanced comfort and fit
- Tapered back pad for clearance in shoulder and arm movement
- Quick access drop down mesh pocket
- Fleece lined hand-warmer pockets
Salus Ungava - Kayak/kanó björgunarvesti
SKU: KY-440